Body Exchange
Whitten by Mashiro Yuh

All translation here is made by Mr.Raccoon.

  I woke up.
  It felt strange.
  I was all of a greasy sweat.
  It was similar to the peculiar feeling when you fall into a doze in the midsummer daytime.
  I was sure I slept in bed. Surely in the night.
  It didn’t matter much.
  I tried moving my body to get up.
  A feeling of wrongness was running through my body like electricity.
  What was that?
  I tried to shake my head slowly from side to side.
  The ceiling moved following my head’s movement.
  Simultaneously something coiled around my head.
  The cold was falling down through my back.
  No, I was totally in despair as if I would be falling into the bottomless pit.
  I gathered my courage to raise my bust.
  The blanket was removed.
  Actually there was barely a voice. But I am confident that by giving a voiceless scream I unconsciously tried to weaken the shock as much as possible.
  I did not see my loose male body, very familiar to me.
  Instead, I found ample breasts and pinched-in waist like an ant. There was no male symbol below them.
  "Ah … Aaahhhh …"
  I tried to touch something coiling around my head … to be exact, my hair by far longer than it used to be.
  Touching the hair made my hand and scalp understand that it was mine.
  "…! ..."
  Then I stared at my hands.
  I only found hands of smooth beautiful skin, instead of hairy ones, which I could not believe my eyes.
  Now I got sure what happened to me.
  I looked down at my body again.
  Having swallowed, I touched my breasts only to confirm they were mine, no-one else’s.
  After that, I touched my whole body part after part on and on.

  I did not lose my self-control so much as expected.
  Still, I have to admit that actually I had been helplessly upset in anxiety.
  This room was mine without doubt, and so was this bed.
  But I was now a woman.
  It was confirmed in mirror.
  I was not sure how I looked to other people.
  Neither did I think I looked very plain, nor so stunningly beautiful. Anyway, I was not so calm that I wondered how I looked.
  I was at a loss how to live from tomorrow on.
  I had been living a life as a man and had a lot of knowledge till now. Human relations so far, as well. I even wondered if I could live any longer as I was.
  Naked in bed, I held my head in my hands in despair.
  My now beautiful long hair hanging down, a fragrant scent flew to my nostril with tickle.
  Scent of a shampoo!
  Anyway, I had to wear something, first of all.
  But there were only men’s wear and underwear in my drawers.
  As usual, I selected some clothes and put them on as they were. Not mentioning a bra, I didn’t feel it necessary to put on panties.
  " …"
  Looking down at my own female body covered with a thin-cloth T-shirt, I got panicked into speechlessness. No, I didn’t but just freaked out.
  My nipples appeared in outline through the T-shirt.
  It was unacceptable to me at all; much the same as naked. No, some persons may think it much more indecent than naked.
  But I don’t have any bras…
  Thinking so, an idea hit me. Then I opened a drawer.
  My love, whom I was getting along with, had been keeping her underwear there.
  I had the heart to search there for it.
  Some moments later I found out a pretty little bra.
  " …"
  Must I wear it? Really?
  Does it have enough room for mine?
  It was rude of me to say that, but can I put it on?
  I gave up and tried to take my T-shirt off, but fount it difficult to do that because it caught my breasts, which I thought considerably big.
  The pink color of the bra, together with its decoration, was showing me its womanliness more than enough.
  I asked myself whether wearing it would mean my surrender and admitting to the event happening to me.
  My heart did not even beat fast. However, I came to realize very well that it might mean “going over some uncertain line” to put a bra on my ample breasts while I still thought I was a man.
  I dared to attach it to my body.
  The sensual feeling of its fitness stunned me to death. The sense of being pressed made me perceive that sense organs exist all over the unfamiliar swellings. After all, somehow I felt it very comfortable.
  I had difficulty in hooking up the bra at the rear by myself.
  Many times I tried to put it on in vain or out of shape.
  One time I even attempted to pass my head and shoulders through the bra after connecting its hook and key, having to give up due to largeness of the breasts.
  At long last I won the struggle with it and fell prone to my bead.
  My body crushed the breasts.
  A woman wearing men’s shorts and a bra raised herself reflexively.
  At length this time my heart beat fast.
  Hey! … I am now a real woman?
  Then I try to softly touch the breasts through the bra.
  Then I heard.
  Somebody began to knock on my door.
  I was so astonished that I almost sprang up.
  As you may have guessed, the doorbell of my room in the apartment had been out of order.
  But things did not permit me to answer the door by any means.
  I must ignore.
  Not being answered, a paper’s salesman or someone similar would leave there.
  However, the knock went on.
  Who the hell is it? It is so early in the morning!
  Then the knock ceased.
  Did the visitor leave? No, it didn’t. Oh dear! It began to unlock the door by inserting a key, not waiting for anything!
  It has a key for my door!?
  Too late.
  The next moment the door was opened.
  "Are you still sleeping? Gosh!"
  It was her.
  She was also so surprised that she had to be standing still without saying anything.
  "No, uhhh, this is … ehhhh…"
  I blundered out an excuse.
  "This morning I woke up and found myself in this way. It’s f-----g true!"
  She was still being stupefied.
  "To be sure, this bra is yours, but I don’t have anything else to wear…"
  I could only get the last part of her words. Is she angry?
  "Very sorry! I apologize on bended knees!"
  "Who the hell are you? Eh?"
  "How could you get in my boyfriend’s room? What the hell are you?"
  "Come on! It’s me."
  "And you’re as good as naked. Did you sleep with him?"
  "Bullshit! You’re f-----g beside the mark!"
  However, I was too voluptuous a woman in underwear to persuade an angry girl.
  "I-I’ll never forgive you … for this!"
  She attacked me.
  "Eeek! D-don’t come! It’s just me!"
  It was nothing but a grapple. I came to learn the unbelievable power of a woman in frenzy. There was, so-called, a "cat-fight" with disheveled hair going on in my room.
  We were both exhausted. Then, to my extreme surprise, she fetched a knife from the kitchen.
  "Well, you’re so good-looking and he’s such a playboy..."
  She had a glazed look in her eyes.
  "N-no, you don’t. You’re too wise to do that."
  I stepped back.
  "Bitch! You’re always talking like a man, aren’t you? It’s probably your way to tempt a lot of men into your room?"
  What nonsense! But she seemed too angry to listen to my words. I tried to desperately find out an escape route in vain. I was in the dead end.
  Giving a strange scream, she dashed for me.
  An unpleasant noise was heard from my stomach when the knife was plunged there.
  I had such an acute pain that my eyes did see the flash.
  A great deal of blood was flowing out on the floor. Like an echo I heard loud laughter of the woman who had been out of her mind.

  I woke up and kicked up the comforter.
  I felt as if my heart got out through my mouth.
  It was dark in my room. In the still of the darkness, my hard breathing was echoed.
  "Just a nightmare…"
  I gave the words unconsciously.
  Sunk all over in relief, I gave a sigh.
  Greasy sweat now felt rather comfort…
  It felt strange.
  I touched the breast and felt it kind of soft.
  Half in a panic, I turned the lights on.
  Looking down at my own body, I saw ample breasts, a pinched-in waist and large buttocks.
  "Ah … aaaahhhhh …"
  I looked at my bed.
  There was an unfamiliar man sleeping naked there.
  A scream spread all over the room.