The Knight-killer
Written by Mashiro Yuh

All translation here is made by Mr.Raccoon.

"Do you mean that you can kill that bandit?"
The Knight]killer
"Do you mean that you can kill that bandit?"
"Yes, Your Majesty! I can do as you wish," replied Reinhardt with his face kept down.
"Hum! However, everybody came here and told me the same thing c not to return."
"Your Majesty, I am afraid that they all betrayed you."
"You think they betrayed me?"
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"Why in the world do you think so?"
"I have an idea that they took out the arms, guards and something else that Your Majesty had given only to escape from the enemy."
"Hum! Anyway, I hope you wonft betray me."
"No, Your Majesty!"

Reinhardt was panting.
"Phew! How toughc"
His enemy was also covered here and there with wounds.
"Youfre as good ...... at least in the cc speed department c as I expected."
"Ifm also much impressed cc with your speed cc considering youfre cc just a knight."
"Itfs time you gave me your name!"
"I donft think much of f------g honor like you knights do. Then, to spite you knights, I suggest you call me Knight-killer."
He was just a nothing. Was he really a villain, great menace to the entire country?
Reinhardt looked down on the man. The bastard wore clothes, not so gorgeous as lordfs but nobler than what he was supposed to wear.
He was beyond understanding. Was he trying to carry out a revolution to replace the nobility?
It was his local place.
He was a bastard living in his own castle in the small mountain and posing as a head of bandits, who did send threatening letters to the king one after another, reading as follows: should I be given no money from you, I shall put a curse on you to cause several disasters.
As a matter of course, the King decided to disregard the words from the bandit. What he had warned in his letters, however, took place one by one; the Kingfs cats died of illness, it continued to rain, his stick turned to a snake, though they were surely not so critical things.
Finally, the King changed his mind; he dispatched to him a messenger with a letter saying that he would not accept the bastardfs requirements but get ready to accept him as a royal prophet. The messenger never returned to the King.
His requirement getting bigger and bigger, assassinators were sent to him in vain. Famous adventurers, mercenaries and knights went to subjugate him never to return.
How the hell could they be defeated by this bastard?
Reinhardt had his broad sword at the ready.
His enemy, just running about, was never trying to attach him.
"You knight, what a lucky man!"
The tip of his sword cut the bandit, but he was not injured to death.
"Today they donft seem in a good mood."
"You mean devils by etheyf ?"
"You have a quick mind!"
"You pagan!!!"
Still, he was running about.
Reinhardt ran into boxes piled up in the garden. The boxes were opened, scattering the contents. Many gorgeous dresses appeared out of the box.
"Holy cow! These are what women wear!"
"Yep. Youfre right."
"What are you going to do with them?"
"Ifm so interested in this kinda things these days."
"What a freakish bastard! I shall cut you down."
His enemy took steps back again.
"Donft you, sir! You misunderstood me!"
"What, you bastard!"
The bandit dodged this stroke as before.
"Whatfs different between you and me? I mean all that interests me is taking womenfs clothes off, sir."
"Shut up! Donft make me embarrassed."
"And also dressing persons in them most recently."
Reinhardt attacked him by his sword, yelling out, before his enemy was through with his words.
He turned a somersault to dodge his last stroke, but Reinhardt felt deep contact in his arms
The ground was being covered with bloodstains one after another.
The bandit was pressing his own arm. Reinhardt first saw him bleeding from his arm.
"Huh, I donft know what kind of magic you can do, but you cannot go on any more. You must get ready for your death!"
However, the bandit began to smile a dauntless smile.
"Ifm afraid it must be you who are to get ready. I am possibly in time."
"Shut up!"
"Ifm gonna warn you in advance so you will not get me wrong."
He changed his attitude dramatically; instead of running about, he began to take up a queer pose.
"Itfs in my boyhood when I learned this magic."
The bandit was getting closer and closer to Reinhardt, who carefully assumed a posture of defense.
"I admit your last stroke cut me deep."
A lot of greasy sweat is running between Reinhardt's eyebrows. Calm down, this fellow is dying. Why can he defeat me without a sword?
"In the beginning I donft understand how come my enemies were weakened."
I will strike him in the heart at his next breathc
"But now I clearly understand."
He moved like a different person; incomparably more quickly than before to make Reinhardtfs chest defenseless.
Damn it! But his enemy just tapped him on his arms through his gauntlets and pass through without changing his speed.
"First, I rob you of your striking power. Ifm terribly sorry."
The next moment Reinhardt felt his sword too heavy to hold, though he used to handle it easily like his hands. It fell down to the ground.
"F--k you. You must have used some magic, coward!"
"Did you call me coward? Ifm afraid not. All you have been doing so far is wield your biggest sword with all your might. I have my own way of fighting."
Why? My arms now have no power, and gauntlets are getting looser. So is my plate mail! Damn!
He removed his gauntlets now too loose somehow.
Reinhardt found something unbelievable.
He did not see his big and strong arms grown like big treesf trunks just where they used to be. Instead, there were very thin arms likely to be broken if power would be transmitted to them.
"W-whatfs wrong with me?"
Then the bandit attacked him again.
"Hey you, donft make your mind absent during a fight!"
However, the fellow behaved himself in quite a queer manner again. While he could have struck Reinhardt in the face, actually he just ran through, patting him on the cheek.
The next moment numberless black lines fell and covered his eyes.
He could not believe his ears, being afraid that it was not his own voice: thin, weak, high and cute.
"Holy cow! c Much cuter than c" said the bandit.
Reinhardt was struggling to put aside his now soft and long hair obstructing the view with his now beautiful hand.
"DonftcDonft go any farther!"
"Umh? Did you say to me?"
The bandit kept smiling a defiant smile.
"Well, itfs time to get down to business."
Using his power to the best of his ability, Reinhardt brought up the unusually heavy sword with his pale thin arms and intercepted the bandit running like a wild boar.
Seemingly struck right in the middle, he fell head over heels.
But Reinhardt could go no farther, and dropped his sword. Numbed, he could not even move his arms. Far from that, now the weight of the armor he wore all over was virtually multiplied, which disabled him for moving.
gIfm so impressed with the guts you have.h
The bandit was bleeding from his forehead, but Reinhardt could not pay attention to that.
My, my body is shrinking!
The neck of his plate mail was now at his lips. Besides, inside his armor there were changes going on.
His chest was inflated until it became female breasts, and pressed the armor from inside. His bare breasts touching directly the coat of mail, he felt a pain in the nipple.
"Thatfs too bad!"
The bandit no longer had to use even his footwork. Bound by his own oversized and overweighed armor, Reinhardt could never move.
And his enemy punched him very hard in the breast.
Then he patted Reinhardt in the legs, which was decisive.
His now weakest legs could not support the weight and tumbled down.
"How do you feel now?"
He could not reply; his breast was terribly painful.
"A man has a weak point in the crotch, and a woman has the same in the breasts."
The female, who used to be Reinhardt, showed a frightened look.
"All I've gotta do is pat a little bit on you and then strike you in the breast so hard. I fought like that against anybody."
Then he began to remove the armor from the former knight without a hitch. Her ample breasts were exposed to the air through the mail.
"gI canft, for this is too much fun to me."
It seemed very easy for the fellow to hypnotize an immobile person. Reinhardt could not move her body with all senses alive. She was totally denuded like a new-born baby all at once.
She could not move. The bandit brought something big from the distant place. What? What is that? Torture instrument?
"You must have thought I would bring a torture instrument. You are right ccin a sense."
It was one of the fascinating dresses she saw some minutes ago. Reinhardt rendered her eyes wide open.
"Letfs enjoy ourselves, sir cno ... Princess."

Reinhardt did not return in triumph, either.