Angel or Devil

Written by Mashiro Yuh
Illustration by Yozora

I heard a piercing noise.

I thought the verandah might have been destroyed.

That noise woke me up, I think. Ifm not sure for I had gone to sleep again, thinking I was still in a dream.

gHmm? Gee! W-what the hell is thiiiiis?h

The voice was heard from around the verandah. What a noisy dream!

Then I was continuing heard another noise, and then the door was opened.

I donft remember at all what happened after that. I have the feeling that I dreamed a comfortable dream, though.




gUhh, uhhnch

He woke up.

It was a hard night, fhe thought, putting his hands on his bed. I must stand up.

Then his hand touched something soft like a marshmallow.

What is that feels like this?

He could not help rubbing it.


A human voice. He turned his face toward the voice, taken by surprise.

He was surprised to death.

Along with him in his bed was a sleeping person whom he has never seen before. It was a stunningly cute girl.

He removed his hand from her soft breasts.


She seemed to be dreaming, turning over in her sleep with her short hair disheveled.

Her innocent sleeping face seemed to be of an angel.


He spoke to her, though he knew it was useless doing that in her sound sleep.

It sounds so silly if I ask her who she is, doesnft it?

He could not help staring at the girl intensely.

Her clothes made her look much cuter.

She had ample breasts under a blouse made of soft material. Her healthy legs went down from an extremely short skirt.

Who could disregard that kind of girl sleeping sound on the bed?

gUhh, uhhnch

Gee! Shefs gonna wake up!

Kenta was in helter-skelter. He knew that he did not do anything indecent. It was the girl who would be to blame: she committed intrusion into the other personfs house. Still, he could not be calm.

She raised her upper body and sat herself on the bed in a very girly manner. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes, murmuring.

Shefs so cute.

gHmm? Hmmmmmm? W-what the hell happened to me?h

He was surprised that the pretty girl cried suddenly.

gAh, ahhhh.h

She said in a sorrowful voice, rubbing her whole body.

gAh,h she said again as she grasped her own breasts hard and then blushed. gShit! The bastard got me!h


gc? Oh, you must be Kenta Kashiwagi,h she said in a cute voice but in a very manly manner, which shocked him to death. gFreeze! I will take your soul as planned.h


He thought that this must be a new TV jack-in-the-box program.


gWhocthe hellcare you?h

gI am a devil.h

He was all mixed up; he woke up and found a cute girl, who he had never seen, sleeping along with him, and she told him in a cute voice that she was a devil. In a sense, she was little less than a devil, though.

gI totally canft get what you said.h

gCanft you? Well, let me explain.h

If shefs right when she says shefs a devil, shefs a good devil, fthought Kenta.

gErrrcjust a moment,h she said, fumbling with every part of her body. It seemed she was searching for something. gIfm f-----g impressed with the fact that you human beings can be wearing such insecure clothes.h

gNo. All that youfre wearing are clothes for girls.h

gI lost it!h


gWhere is it now?h

gWhatfre you looking for?h



gSo is it you,h asked the girl, approaching him. gYou must have done something to me while I was sleepingh

gI like that! Thatfs what I have to say.h

gShit! That f-----g bastard did to mech

gThen, why do you need the contract now?h

gHmm? I think Ifm allowed to talk.h

On the bed she sat cross-legged, immodestly exposing her panties to the air under her extreme short skirt.


gHmm? What? You just sit down.h

gI mean, I donft know where to look.h

gOh, my,h she said, and then almost jumped to sit straight at the side of the bed. gI-Ifm sorry.h

gNo, it doesnft matterch

W-what a sour-sweet feeling!

gAnyway, Ifve come here to take your soul.h

gThatfs what I would like to ask you about. How come you can take my soul? I donft remember selling my soul to any devil.h

What a funny conversation! But I canft help saying so since I really donft remember.

gI know you didnft. Your grandfather made a contract with me.h

gMy grandfathercgrandpa did?h

gYeah. Once your grandfather almost died. Ifm afraid he would have died if he had been left as he was. Then I happened to pass by.h

gYou did?h

gI donft mean I was walking in the street. We devils are always seeking persons who are likely to call us. I came across him while I was seeking.

gThen he sold my soulch

gThatfs right. I told him to give his soul for his lifecfollowing the ABC of business.h

gWhat business?h

gDevilfs business, of course! Donft interrupt me! Then he replied to me that he would like to sell his grandchildfs soul, not his own.h

gGee! How could he do that?h

gIfve heard he used to be a remarkable playboy.h

gIfve heard of that.h

gIfm afraid he didnft expect to even have a child, still less a grandchild. So, itfs no wonder that he sold your soul.h

gOh, my!h

Her statement now resembles some of the Western traditions, usually ending with extermination of the devils.

gIfll be waiting a little. You had better enjoy yourself in this world as best you can.h

gWhat do you mean by waiting?h

gLet me say. All is not evil that we devils do. We will have to proceed in accordance with the contract. Thatfs why f-----g angels cannot do anything with the soul we take after contract has been made.h

I see.


I have difficulty resisting the temptation to look at her body.

Who can believe such a cute girl is a devil?

gHey, youfve been thinking of something indecent, havenft you?h

gN-never such a thing!h

gI must warn you,h she said and stood up. gThis is not what I am. The real me iscerrrcmore good-looking.h

I donft know how to take what she told so hesitatingly.

gSo? I have been thinking you transformed yourself into a girl at your will.h

gBullshit! That bastard did to me. Just a momentcI should think she is near me. Watch out!h


Suddenly she jumped at me.

Kenta was knocked down on the bed, and his chest and hers touched each other. The weight of her soft body brought him a mixed feeling.


At the very moment the windows of the verandah were broken into pieces with ear-splitting noises.


Kenta was in a panic.

The noises and destruction lasted so long that he felt as if it would last forever. Actually it lasted just some tens of seconds.

He had a ringing in his ears after it was over.

Then noises of stepping on the broken glasses came. He felt someone approaching to him.

gKenta Kashiwagi, donft hide yourself!h

It was done by extremists or someone else? What the hell is happening?h

gYou bastard! Juliel,h she said, rising to her feet.

gWhy, you must be Cifer. Youfre looking so cute!h

gWho do you think did this to me?h

Over her voice was another girl; not a plain girl but a beauty wearing camouflaged clothes and headband with arms in his hand.

gL-let me askch

gHmm? About this? I had difficulty making up my mind which to take, but Ifve taken the Scorpion after all. This is an excellent sub-machine gun.h

gNo. I want to askch

gOh, yes. I am Juliel the angel. Nice to meet you.h

I donft know how to answer the words gnice to meet youh.

gYou bastard! How could you transform me like this?h

The girl called Cifer grabbed at the other girl.

gIt was very lucky to you that I didnft transform you so much.h

The next moment Cifer was blown off to the wall. Her entire body was banged on the floor.


gBoy! How could you do such a terrible thing?h

gWhat? Ifve come here to rescue you.h

gTo rescue me?h

gYeeees! Havenft the devil explained to you? He is trying to take your soul.h

gI know. Indeed, Ifve heard so, butch

gThatfs why I am here. Ifm, what is called, a devilbuster.h


gCanft you believe me?h

gWhy can I? You forgot machine-gunning some minutes ago? I almost honeycombed.h

gI donft mind such a trifle.h

gYou do not, but I do!h

gAnyway, Ifll bring down this devil. Take this,h she said, handing the sub-machine gun over to Kenta.

gWhat the hell am I supposed to do with this?h

gI wanna to kill them but must conform to the contract. To my regret I cannot do anything so harsh.h

gcWhat do you mean?h

gI mean you must protect your soul.h


While Kenta still did not understand exactly what she said, she also handed the same gun over to Cifer who was moaning with pain.

gHey, use this.h

Cifer was biting her lips to kill her vexation.

gWhat does it mean,h he asked again.

gHow donft you get it? It means you must bring her down yourself at a showdown.h

Then Cifer stood up with the gun in her hands; now her beautiful looks were worn, torn and ruined. Finally she said, gAll right. Letfs do it.h

He had never shot a human being. Though she might be a devil, how could he try to shoot apparently a girl of his age?

gI canft.h

gHmm? The Scorpion will not do to you? Then why donft you take the Assault rifle?h

gWhat a nut!h

gI guess youfre caring about this bastard,h said Juliel, staring at Cifer as if she were a worm or something disgusting.

gLet me ask you a simple question.h

gWhatfs that?h

gYou are an angel, arenft you?h

gI am.h

gI thinkcyou look f-----g evil.h

gYou shut up! No angels need to care about small things. The President said so.h

gWhofs the f-----g President?h

gAnyway,h Juliel said in a loud voice, trying to bring all under control. gI donft wanna waste my time after I made things easy.h

gc? What does it mean?h

gTo make a long story short, we, angels or devils, have some unguarded moments when we move to this world. Taking advantage of it, I transformed the devil like that,h said Juliel, pointing her forefinger at Cifer near the wall; a slender pretty girl standing with a 12-caliber hand-gun in her hand.

gI seech

gNow that Ifve taken the advantage, I have superiority over her. In addition, I killed her magic. Shefs just a girl for now. Why do you take time to kill her? I wanna get back home soon.h

gHow could an angel say those words?h

gYou donft have to care. You can do anything to the devils.h

gDo you know about the ecrusadef?h

Then he heard a bang on the floor.


Startled at the bang and voice, he looked at Cifer.

gItfs a waste of time your talking to her,h said Cifer, a refreshed expression on her face as if she had conquered some trouble. gI have been living for a very long time. It seems good to put an end to my life todaych

gConsidering youfre a devil, youfre too sensible.h

gButcI will fight and die,h she said, pointing the gun at Kenta.

gTake the gun. If I win now, nobody can get in my way. I will take your soul. The terrible angel knows that very well.h

gDoes she?h

gIndeed. Butchey, Cifer!h


gJust thank me for generosity. I have the kindness to arrange that you be believed that you will be defeated after the gunfight. Never expect to win!h

gI know. Thatfs the way you do.h

gJ-just a moment! You had better not discuss between yourselves.h

Then Kenta was grasped by the chest.

gHey, you! Donft you know we are talking about your soul? You must be more serious!h

gNo. I canft be ready for that so soon.h

gKenta, are you ready? If you donft shoot, I will shoot first. Take the gun.h

gDonft be nervous. She has a 12-caliber gun by which she can hardly kill you even if your heart is hit.h

gThatfs not my point!h

gIfm gonna shoot you. Daaah!h


There was a hush.


gc? I amcalive?

gHey, Juriel the bastard! This gun has no bullet contained.h

gGee! Youfve noticed it.h

gYoufre playing foul. F-----g unbelievable!h

gShut up! I can do anything for justice!h

Then the two of them looked at Juliel with cool gazes.

gA-alright! I will give a bullet to your gun,h said Juliel, moving fingers a little.

gNow Ifm ready,h said Cifer, trying to take up a posture of offence, which made Kenta get stiff.

The next moment, however, Juliel kicked Cifer right on the stomach.

gGwaaah!h said Cifer, crouching down.

gItfs now or never. Fire!h said Juliel. She was always sly.

Kenta dashed the Scorpion to the floor.

gI canft stand any more!h

There was a hush over the room.

gHey, you. Be more careful handling the gun with bullets.h

gShut up your f-----g mouth!h

His words made Juliel silent.

gEnough. Though you call yourself an angel, all you have done are tricks and foul play. Youfre only teasing a girl.h


Not only Juliel but Cifer stared mind-absently at Kenta.

gHey, youch said Juliel, scratching her head. gHow do you think could I save my face?h

gF---k you!h

Then Juliel looked surprised at his words.

gDonft behave yourself like that. I feel youfre making a fool of me.h

gNo, I donft mean to make a fool of you.h

gIfve been disillusioned upon discovering the angel is damned like you.h


Juliel was looking down, embarrassed; she seemed to have been criticized by a human being for the first time in her life.

gAnyway, I canft shoot her.h

gHeh,h said Cifer, gyoufve been jilted, Juliel. It serves you right.h

Then Juliel sighed and said.

gThen, seriously Ifm asking you. How are you settling this matter?h

gWhat do you mean?h

gAs things stand, this bastard is sure to take your soul!h

gAre you sure, Cifer?h


Cifer didnft reply.

gFrankly speaking, if you would like to voluntarily give her your soul, I wonft allow you to do that. Never!h

gDonft I have even the right to choose which way to go?h

gHey, man! You know policemen in your world would not try to overlook any crimes. Neither do we.h


Kenta was thinking.


Cifer and Juliel were staring intensely at him.

gIcwould not like to give my soul.h

Juliel grinned and looked at Cifer with a triumphant expression on her face.

gAt the same time, I donft wanna kill her.h

The two girls looked surprised.

gI just donft wanna kill her.h

gSo! Thatfs o.k. with you?h

gAnyway, youfre an angel, arenft you. If so, youfre supposed to know how to resolve the matter completely?h

gI donft like you to say in such a way. Before that I should correct an error: this bastard is male.h

gIt doesnft matter!h Kenta said out of breath, much excited.

Juliel shook her head, and then said.

gYoufre a winner.h

gWhat? Thench

gYes, we will get back home.h


gYou wonft have to worry any longer. We wonft do anything, and will get back to where we belonged. Thatfs all.h

gThatfs goodch

gStill,h Juliel said in a threatening manner, gyou should know what youfve done. As a devil, this devil will survive and possibly try to take your soul again. I wonft take care of you again. Are you alright?h

Kenta nodded at Juliel with a strong will, not looking away from her even when she was right before his eyes.

gO.k. Letfs go!h said Juliel, then looking back. gIfve never met a good-natured person like you.h


gNo. Some killed devils in an incredibly cruel way as soon as they got aware that they were allowed to kill at will. They looked crueler than devils. I, as a devil-buster, have seen so many persons of that kind,h said Juliel, not looking back. gIfm a little assured to know there are a few good-natured persons.h


gCifer, letfs go.h

Cifer seemed reluctant to follow Juliel. As she passed by, she said.

gWell, errrrct-thanks.h

Embarrassment made her falter.

gNo. Donft mention itch

gSo long! I hope Ifll see you again.h

He did not feel happy to hear a devil say that.

They both got out to the verandah.

gDonft worry. We will manage to get this room back to what it was.h

gVery kind of you.h

gGo to sleep, and you will wake up next time to find another morning coming as usual, noticing nothing unusual.h

gAll right. Thanks for everything.h

gHey, you donft have to say thanks. What a fool you are!h

gIfm embarrassed. Itfs not becoming to me.h

When Juliel turned red, then Cifer made fun of her.

gShut up! Why donft we move now?h

Then he lost consciousness.




gUhh, uhhnch

He woke up.

It was a hard night.

He put his hands on his bed.

Recollecting something, he looked at the bed.

But there was nothing but a disordered coverlet.

He looked around.

His room was totally in order as if nothing had happened. There was neither sign of ruin with machine-gunning nor loud-mouth girl, who had a very manly way of speaking.

gPhew,h he sighed.

It seemed as if everything had happened in a dream. Everything may have happened in a dream.

Kenta remembered an embarrassed expression on Ciferfs face when she said, gT-thanks.h

It made him smile.

Though she called herself a famous devil, she looked to me nothing but a young girlc

I dreamed a good dream, maybe.




g emorning.h

He said to himself, and began to eat a piece of bread on the table.

Another day is beginning.

gHi, youfre too late.h

Then he scattered a swallow of milk out of his mouth.


He was surprised to see the girl who had been called Cifer; she was wearing a pure-white blouse, a bright red ribbon and a checked miniskirt, quite like a schoolgirl.

gHm? Interested in these? Do they suit me?h she asked him, picking her ribbon and skirt.

gW-well, why the hellch

gErrrrcstrange enough, I have forgotten how to go home. Thatfs why I have decided to stay in your house for the time being. Be a good boy to me from now on.h


gDonft worry. I have arranged that the people will believe Ifm your cousin. Your parents and neighbors believe so.h


gMy real name is Lu Cifer, but I think it hard to use it. I have decided my name for this world is Mako Inoue. Is that a good name?h


gYep!h she said nonchalantly. gDonft mind. Eat quickly, or youfll be late for school.h

gSurely butch

She goes together well with her short haircut. Just a high-school student from head to heal. Who believes she is actually a man, or more exactly a devil?

Cifer, who was now Mako, didnft hesitate to sit next to Kenta.

He was all mixed up with what was happening to him.

gYoufre f-----gch


gcsoiled. Wipe your mouth!h

Sitting next to him, Mako wiped his mouth, leaning forward.

Her soft body was touching his. Her hands, though through the cloth, rubbed his face softly.


gKeep your mouth shut!h

He held her shoulders in spite of himself, and he didnft know why.


The cloth dropped.

Kentafs heart beat fast and almost blew up.

Very softc

She had a body so fragile that it is likely to be easily broken if you push it hard. At the same time it was healthy and full of vigor.

Mako turned red, looking away and down embarrassedly. gN-no. You know, Ifm a man, or should I say, Ifm a devil.h

Kenta did not reply.

Slowly she was turning her gaze toward him.

He could not force his gaze away from her eyes in sorrow.

The distance between them was getting short.

She closed her eyes very slowly.

g emorning.h

Hearing the powerless voice, they stopped getting closer and got back to their original positions.

Kenta pulled himself back so hard that the dish he would eat was scattered.

gOh, my god!h

gHey, youfre f-----g loud.h

There stood Juliel, wearing pajamas instead of the military uniform he remembered.

gWell, I have arranged to go to the same school as the devil will go. Be kind to me.h


gIt canft be helped. God scolded me for what I had done, saying that I went too far, and expelled me. Now my name is Juli Amano. Keep it in your mind.h

gDamn! Youfre too self-centered!h

Then his mother came in and said.

gGee! Whatfs wrong with you, Ken? Oh, Good morning, Juli and Mako.h

gGood morning,h the two girls replied in unison in an incredibly comfortable - actually maybe occupational - manner.

In this way he had to start living a queer student life, sitting between a devil and an angel.


(to be continued)

Actually it isnft continued. (Hahahahaha!)

As of July 21, 2002, I have been putting in order all story files so that they will be easier to read. I happened to find out this story I had been forgetting for long.

It was meant for a 5-episode tale, for which many events seemed to have been dreamed up.

This is a typical kind of browbeating wife story. Differently from others, it also contains a factor of trans-gender story.

I myself laughed a deal at this story while reading (come on!).


       I still think it possible to be continued, but also think one episode is enough for this kind of story.